Monday, December 22, 2008


wahaha...I'm damn happy this few days....Firstly,my dear Suzanne coming back already and i met her...haha..she is still pretty and even prettier.....(i know you are laughing when reading,maybe WeiJian ge also).....very dramatic when i saw her at cafeteria and i gave her a big hug...really big hug ohh....coz i'm damn miss her a lot....irritating lah her,only called me once since she left to US...Bo Xim....anyway,thanks for your chocolate and own made key chain....oh ya,how come Suan Suan one so pretty,it's an time must make a witch one for me...wahaha...Secondly, she left CAT Lab already...nobody complain her ohh,she herself request to left de so so so happy...lao ba said :"no more smelly issue right ?" haha...lao ba,when u become so humour de??? is it affected by me ???wahaha.... and finally, i'm now in holiday liao....2 weeks holiday..hooray.....

Monday, December 15, 2008


i was going for UTM enrollment on last was a tiring day for me...UTM is too too too big..fei and my legs are almost patah only i know why UTM got no fatso...i'm damn regret that didn't get a driving lesson even though i was so free before i'm on normal a part time undergraduate who need to work from Mon to Fri+Study on weekend,impossible to have extra time to get a driving lesson...maybe i can only cycle in school gua...wahaha...such a leisureliness life....a bit bekcek about my student card(we call it Card Matric in UTM)...asked the fac staff,they asked me to write down my name and will send it to my house if found.asked kad Matric staff,she just reply:" ei,tak mungkin u tak dapat,kan sudah cetak 2 kali? tadi kan ada ambil gambar,u ada 2 keping leh!" haiz...after argue with her,she asked me to call UTM on Monday,to check whether my card matric is there or not....haiz..maybe i have to undergoing my undergraduate life without card metric...hope that won't get caught by officer as wearing card matric in campus also one of the rule in UTM...haiz

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

undergraduate to be

i'll be study again soon..i just receive surat tawaran from UTM last 2 weeks...i'll be an undergraduate soon...hooray...that was a big supprise and super best xmas present to me...actually i was applying blindly and those supporting document doesn't verify,just a normal photocopy...when i was inform that received a big envelope from UTM,i was thinking that are they returning my sijil-sijil as they are not verify...i'm excited when open the envelope and saw i get the course i wish to,i'm quite worried that i can't catch up my studies as it's been a long time since i add i'm taking part time study,need to work from Monday to Friday and study on weekend....time will not enough for me and i'll be super busy couple of the years until i finish my course...btw,i'm very happy that i get the chance to study again...i will keep it up and try my best..good luck to me...


            我最爱的Asam Laksa
    forget what it call,seems like 捞面
Buah LongLong Juice,i think is only available in Penang
famous penang Char Kuey Teow
上星期回家乡,我的家乡在槟城北海...小时候常搬家,在北海出世,大山脚、Jawi来回奔波...后来搬去吉隆坡又搬回大山脚,最后因为爸爸在新加坡工作,搬到柔佛新山古来、学校假期住新加坡....小时候的记忆模糊,很多事都不记得....好像搬到柔佛后,我没有童年.....虽然搬到距离500多公里的柔佛,每年新年或学校假期,全家一定回家乡探望爷爷奶奶...这一次回去,感觉好像堂弟妹们都长大了,大家都有了交往对象...虽然还年轻,但身为长孙免不了被盘问几时要结婚的难题...哇唠,现在是21世纪,不流行早婚,而且我没时间...我笑笑回答...回大山脚探望亲戚还有到以前常去的咖啡店...“wah,阿兰(我的昵称)长大了喔...还记得aunty每次抱你去买冰淇淋吗?你小时候最爱吃冰淇淋了!!" 原来我从小就爱吃冰淇淋...跟小三星期的堂弟聊天,小时候的回忆填满脑袋,我们都过着最传统的童年,骑脚踏车到处兜、欺负堂妹、跑到森林玩捉迷藏、偷隔壁家母鸡孵的蛋、到杂货店偷买零食,雪糕,汽水...
" 哈哈...但是很好玩咧..."
" 对啊,我们以前都爱玩捉迷藏..有鬼啊...哈哈..."

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

猫部奇遇记之 新一代猫部

话说,bibi离开后,猫部不再有奇遇记,小fe也不再是以前的小fe...是的,小fe变了...小fe坚强,独立了...就在她渐渐的习惯独自一人过活时,传说中的克星- 老爸派了个黑巧克力来...猫部的黑巧克力先锋 - vallie 刚来时没什么好日子过,就因为小fe不喜欢黑巧克力,所以都对vallie很凶,很严厉,有时被发现到不tub不清洁或有一张小小的透明胶纸,vallie就得挨骂了...后来,小fe发现这个黑巧克力与其它的黑巧克力有差别,她勤劳,她肯做,她肯学,她是个不错的助手,就差在总是糊里糊涂的, 教过的东西老是不记得...经过了一年的相处,她们成为了很好的team...vallie总是依赖小fe,而初始总是不耐烦的小fe也已经习以为常..2008年7月,猫部的小姐--叹号被调到其他部门...小fe,等等,vallie从此就过着幸福快乐的日子....小fe也继续的有事没事都大笑一场,老爸也无奈的习惯了她的笑声....就在叹号离开猫部的半年后,小fe升职了...她带着依依不舍的心情离开了猫部...虽然新座位与猫部的距离只是短短的三步....但小fe不太开心....因为她接管整个lab最烂的product - Tij3....小fe离开猫部后,香妃(身体发出独特的“香味”,所以得此雅号)对猫部T.O职位虎视眈眈,三番五次的骚扰小fe说老爸要把她调到猫部,好像在示威似的,令小fe很懊恼...而vallie整个好像变了,她还是一样勤劳,但就在certification时,居然考不及格.....明明会的东西,她居然答不出来....QTI的规矩是certification不及格就不可以留在该product,所以老爸就借机把香妃调到猫部去....消息传开后,猫部所有成员(老谢(猫部enginner),三个修坏(猫部TS),小波(猫部engineer),小fe(前猫部T.O,新任Tij3 Technician+猫部part time technician),等等(新一代猫部老将),老师(猫部admin,现在被逼成为猫部trainer))都为此感到忧愁,害怕被熏到晕倒...我知道大家会说就因为人家很香就排挤人家是不对的...那当然也不是主因,最大的原因是她是个烂花瓶,就连摆在最不起眼的桌子上都会觉得碍眼...更何况是摆在完美的猫部 ??? 她的缺点是说几年都说不完,但若要说出一个优点却是想几年都想不出....她到底有多烂,我无法说明,只能说是烂到惨不忍睹...大家可以自己想象一下....香妃是否能生存在新一代猫部,答案会在2009年与大家分晓,敬请期待吧....
猫部变了,小Fe也变了,小fe到底变怎样呢 ? 这个严重咯,小fe的克星居然不再是老爸了....好恐怖啊..小fe很喜欢放空,尤其在开会时,她放空的境界可以说是到了出神入化的地步...话说有一天,老爸跟technician,trainer开会时,小fe又在放空了,老爸多次警告她要注意听,但小fe就是无法控制的就放空...后来还很大胆的跟shiny聊起天来,她大概是吃了豹子胆,当然她再次逃不过要在开会后留下来的命运...老爸苦口婆心的再度重复会议的重点,小fe又很自然的在放空,所以老爸在说什么,她没有听进去...小fe变了,以前都不敢跟老爸顶嘴的小fe现在居然敢敢顶撞老爸,而老爸也多次被她搞到很无奈...现在的小fe长大了,勇敢,坚强,独立了...只是小fe啊小fe,你要几时才能把爱大笑的习惯改掉呢??